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Ruben Gallego
The photoreport on a trip in Ñåâåðîàãååâñêèå children's homes on March, 25th 2006ã. (25.03.2006)

Befor two hours at the Novodevichiy monastery almost full lorry (about 40 cubic metre) has been collected.

The considerable part of volume was borrowed with bicycles? Them was more than 40 pieces

From bicycles new was 37, and a little second-hand.

Children have rushed to unload all this riches.

Even in March in this settlement all so is filled up by a snow, that to a building of children's home to not pass. But pupils have in a moment transferred all cargo to a sports hall on hands.

Process of unloading went very quickly? On the staff you can see an exact times of the moment -25.03.2006. 11:05.

Our wards didn`t see such quantity and a variety of gifts for all life.

Children could not believe in any way, that all it for them, and everyone wished to be convinced personally of it, to take in hands.

Certainly, to such gifts house children would be glad also what to speak about pupils of children's homes.

Bicycles unloaded with special inspiration.

Only the list of all brought borrows some pages. Were there and sets of designers.

Girls are compelled to be content basically with a role of spectators.

Because wishing to unload was so much, that the turn was formed.

As you can see, the lorry becomes empty with each minute (11-11).

And bicycles all did not come to an end!

Bicycles have ended, TVs have begun.

«Give me, me, I shall carry!?»

Carried all - from it is small up to it is great.

Such volume could be placed only in one place - in a sports hall.

In a sports hall also carried.

«The Porters» went a never-ending stream.

The burden - doesn`t pull!

Here bicycles for those who is more younger.

Some people «The Loaders» it wasn`t visible behind a cargo.

When the cargo has gone more finely, and it is easier, girls were connected even.

TVs was almost also much, as well as bicycles.

Girls carried audio, video, and fine home appliances.

And TVs were such sizes, that they were hard for bearing and together.

Any medium-sized technics there were some cubic metre, and here any help was by the way.

But the some people «The Eagles» showed miracles of carrying capacity. Here that such good mood!

And the stream all did not run low!

At last all in a sports hall. I shall tell to you fairly: we have unloaded all for 25 minutes, and here considered, wrote down, and divided into two children's homes - the whole 3 hours! To in total these 2-nd children's homes it is transferred ONLY In THIS ACTION of the goods to 437 000 roubles.
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